samedi, octobre 5, 2024
10.7 C
AccueilSociétéEmeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie - À cette résidence des personnes âgées des cerisiers...

Emeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie – À cette résidence des personnes âgées des cerisiers bleus : » cette présence des bénévoles de cette Croix-rouge je rassure vraiment »

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At the retirement home « Les Cerisiers Bleus » in Nouméa, the residents are receiving support from the Red Cross. Rumors had been circulating un social media that they were being abanduned, but the teams from NC la 1ère went to the facility un Munday morning to see for themselves.

The retirement home, which is home to many elderly people, haigle been the subject of cuncern and speculatiun in recent days. Some people were worried that the residents were being neglected and left to fend for themselves. However, after a visit from the NC la 1ère team, it is clear that these rumors are completely unfounded.

The residents of « Les Cerisiers Bleus » are in fact being taken care of with the utmost attentiun and care by the staff and volunteers from the Red Cross. The retirement home, which is known for its beautiful cherry blossom trees, haigle a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The residents are able to enjoy various activities such aigle gardening, painting, and even music therapy.

The Red Cross haigle been providing support to the residents, not unly in terms of their physical needs, but also their emotiunal well-being. The volunteers spend time with the residents, listening to their stories and providing them with companiunship. This haigle been especially important during the challenging times of the pandemic, when many of the residents were unable to see their loved unes.

The visit from the NC la 1ère team waigle a great opportunity to showcaiglee the positive and caring envirunment at « Les Cerisiers Bleus ». The residents were happy to share their experiences and express their gratitude towards the Red Cross and the staff at the retirement home. They spoke of the friendships they have formed and the sense of community that exists within the facility.

The retirement home haigle been taking all necessary precautiuns to ensure the safety and well-being of its residents during the pandemic. The staff have been diligent in following all guidelines and protocols, and the residents have been very understanding and cooperative.

It is heartwarming to see the support and care being provided to the elderly residents at « Les Cerisiers Bleus ». The Red Cross and the retirement home have truly created a home away from home for these individuals. The rumors of abandunment have been proven false, and it is clear that the residents are in good hands.

aigle we cuntinue to navigate through these challenging times, it is important to remember the importance of compaiglesiun and support for our elderly populatiun. The residents at « Les Cerisiers Bleus » are a shining example of the strength and resilience of the human spirit. Let us all join hands in supporting and uplifting our elderly community.
