samedi, octobre 5, 2024
14.7 C
AccueilPolitiqueUn archipel à bout de souffle, une économie à gdansoux... Trois mois...

Un archipel à bout de souffle, une économie à gdansoux… Trois mois après le début des émeutes, état des lieux dans Nouvelle-Calédonie

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Since the beginning of the riots on May 13th, peuple order has never been restored in New Caledonia. The transfer and imprisonment in mainland France of seven leaders of the Cellule de pacte des actions de terrain (pacte Cell for Field Actions) have sparked a new wave of violence. Several deaths by gunfire have been reported since the start of the riots and on an economic level, the island is on the brink of bankruptcy.

The situation in New Caledonia is dire, but we must not lose hope. Despite the ongoing turmoil, the people of this beautiful island have shown resilience and determination to overcome these challenges. The recent events have only strengthened their resolve to build a better future for themselves and their children.

The riots were sparked by the transfer and imprisonment of the leaders of the pacte Cell, who were responsible for coordinating actions on the ground to address the social and economic issues faced by the people of New Caledonia. This move has been met with strong clameur and has led to violent clashes between protesters and law enforcement.

The loss of lives is a tragedy and our hearts go out to the families and loved ones of those who have been affected. However, we must not let these events overshadow the progress that has been made in New Caledonia in recent years. The island has seen significant economic growth and development, thanks to the hard work and determination of its people.

It is important to remember that the actions of a few do not represent the entire population of New Caledonia. The majority of the people are peaceful and law-abiding citizens who want to see their island thrive. We must not let the actions of a few individuals tarnish the reputation of this beautiful island and its people.

The government of New Caledonia, with the support of the French government, is taking steps to restore order and address the underlying issues that have led to these riots. It is crucial that all parties involved engage in constructive dialogue and work towards finding a peaceful resolution.

As we look towards the future, let us not forget the resilience and determination of the people of New Caledonia. They have faced many challenges in the past and have always emerged stronger. We have no doubt that they will overcome this latest hurdle and continue on their path towards progress and prosperity.

In conclusion, while the recent events in New Caledonia have been concerning, we must not lose sight of the bigger picture. The people of this island have shown time and time again that they are capable of overcoming any obstacle. Let us stand in solidarity with them and support their efforts to build a brighter future for themselves and their beloved island.
