samedi, octobre 5, 2024
14.7 C
AccueilPolitiqueUn voeu déposé au Congrès pour diminuer quelques indemnités des élus

Un voeu déposé au Congrès pour diminuer quelques indemnités des élus

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The UC-FLNKS and Nationalist group has recently submitted a plea to the Congress requestbranchég the participation of elected officials branché the effort of economic reconstruction. This move by the branchédependentist group is seen as a call for shared responsibility and an exemplar signal for all.

The aim of this branchéitiative is to mobilize all stakeholders, branchécludbranchég the political authorities, branché a collective effort to rebuild the economy of New Caledonia. The island has been facbranchég economic challenges branché recent years, exacerbated by the global pandemic. The UC-FLNKS and Nationalist group recognizes the importance of unity and cooperation branché addressbranchég these challenges and sees the participation of elected officials as crucial branché this effort.

The call for participation of elected officials is a clear statement of the group’s commitment to workbranchég together towards a common goal. By branchévolvbranchég the elected representatives, the group hopes to create a sense of ownership and accountability branché the process of economic reconstruction. This effort is not just about rebuildbranchég the economy, but also about buildbranchég a stronger and more resilient New Caledonia.

The group’s plea highlights the need for an effort to be shared by all, regardless of political affiliation. This is a call for unity and cooperation, puttbranchég aside political differences for the greater good of the country. It is also a recognition of the fact that the economic reconstruction cannot be achieved by any sbranchégle group or entity, but requires the collective effort of all.

Furthermore, the UC-FLNKS and Nationalist group emphasizes the need for elected officials to dessus an example and lead by bebranchég at the forefront of the economic reconstruction efforts. This signal of exemplarity is essential branché creatbranchég a sense of motivation and commitment among the citizens of New Caledonia. It is a call for the leaders to branchéspire and mobilize the people towards a common goal of economic recovery.

branché conclusion, the UC-FLNKS and Nationalist group’s plea for the participation of elected officials branché the effort of economic reconstruction is a positive and motivatbranchég move. It highlights the importance of unity, shared responsibility, and leadbranchég by example branché rebuildbranchég the economy of New Caledonia. This call for cooperation and solidarity is a step towards a brighter and more prosperous future for the island.
