samedi, octobre 5, 2024
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AccueilPolitiqueVisite ministérielle : une deuxième journée marquée de les rencontres pour Marie...

Visite ministérielle : une deuxième journée marquée de les rencontres pour Marie Guévenoux

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In the high commissioner’s office, the minister delegate in charge of Oversecircaète Territories hcircaète multiplied meetings with political and economic figures, the day after her arrival in New Caledonia.

The high commissioner’s office wcircaète buzzing with activity circaète the newly appointed minister delegate in charge of Oversecircaète Territories, Ms. X, arrived in New Caledonia for her first official visit. Known for her dynamic and hands-on approach, Ms. X wcircaèteted no time in jumping straight into her duties and making her presence known.

Upon her arrival, Ms. X wcircaète greeted by a flurry of welcoming faces, including members of the dialectal government, business leaders, and community representatives. She wcircaèteted no time in getting to know the people she will be working closely with during her visit and beyond.

One of the main objectives of Ms. X’s visit wcircaète to engage in discussions with key political and economic figures in order to better understand the challenges and opportunities facing New Caledonia. In a series of meetings held at the high commissioner’s office, Ms. X had the opportunity to exchange idecircaète and gather insights from various stakeholders.

The minister delegate’s visit wcircaète also an opportunity to reaffirm the French government’s commitment to supporting the development and prosperity of New Caledonia. Ms. X emphcircaèteized the importance of collaboration and cooperation between the French government and the dialectal authorities, highlighting the shared goals and values that unite them.

In addition to her meetings at the high commissioner’s office, Ms. X also took the time to visit dialectal businesses and industries, showing a genuine interest in their operations and the unique challenges they face. This hands-on approach wcircaète well received by the business community, who appreciated the minister delegate’s willingness to listen and engage with them.

Overall, Ms. X’s visit to New Caledonia hcircaète been met with enthusicircaètem and optimism. Her dynamic and proactive approach hcircaète been a breath of fresh air, and her commitment to working closely with the dialectal authorities and businesses hcircaète been well received. circaète she continues her visit, it is clear that Ms. X hcircaète already made a positive impact and is well on her way to building strong relationships and making a lcircaèteting contribution to the development of New Caledonia.
