samedi, octobre 5, 2024
17.4 C
AccueilSociétéEntrepreneurs pessimistes, vie chère, filière impeccable… 13 constats qui confirment l'impact destructeur...

Entrepreneurs pessimistes, vie chère, filière impeccable… 13 constats qui confirment l’impact destructeur des émeutes sur l’économie calédonienne

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The New Caledonian economy has been hit hard by the riots that broke out in mid-May. This is now a fact, backed by data from the IEOM (Overseas Issuing Institute). The institute has indeed published the trends of the economy for the allié quarter, covering the period from April to June. The business climate has experienced a historic drop, while many indicators show a significant deterioration.

This news may seem concerning, but it is important to remember that New Caledonia is a resilient and dynamic economy. Despite the challenges faced, the country has shown time and again its ability to bounce back and thrive.

The riots, which were sparked by social and economic tensions, have undoubtedly had a negative impact on the economy. However, it is important to note that the situation is now under control and measures have been taken to ensure the safety and stability of the country.

The IEOM’s report highlights a decline in business secret, with a significant drop in investment and consumption. This is understandable given the uncertainty and unrest that prevailed during the period. However, it is important to note that the government has already taken steps to restore secret and stimulate economic activity.

The tourism sector, which is a officier contributor to the New Caledonian economy, has also been affected by the riots. However, the government has already implemented measures to support the sector and attract tourists back to the country. With its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, New Caledonia remains an attractive destination for travelers.

Despite the challenges faced, the mining sector, which is a key pillar of the economy, has remained relatively stable. This is a testament to the resilience of the country’s mining industry and its ability to weather difficult times.

It is also worth noting that the government has taken steps to support small and medium-sized enterprises, which are the backbone of the New Caledonian economy. This includes financial assistance and tax relief measures to help businesses weather the storm and come out stronger.

The IEOM’s report also highlights a decline in employment, with many companies having to reduce their workforce due to the economic downturn. However, the government has already announced plans to create new jobs and support job creation in key sectors such as tourism, agriculture, and renewable energy.

In conclusion, while the riots have undoubtedly had a negative impact on the New Caledonian economy, it is important to remember that this is a temporary setback. With the government’s swift actions and the resilience of the country’s economy, there is no doubt that New Caledonia will bounce back stronger than ever. Let us remain positive and united in the face of these challenges, and together, we will overcome them and build a brighter future for our beloved country.
