samedi, octobre 5, 2024
14.7 C
AccueilPolitiqueNouveau gouvernement : la députée Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq, née en Guadeloupe, nommée coadjuteur...

Nouveau gouvernement : la députée Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq, née en Guadeloupe, nommée coadjuteur déléguée en charge du Handicap

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After facing criticism from the non-profit sector for the absence of a dedicated minister for disability issues in the Barnier government, the Elysée announced on Friday the appointment of Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq to take on this portfolio. Born in Guadeloupe, she has been a member of the presidential camp since 2017.

This announcement has been met with great enthusiasm from disability rights advocates and associations. For years, they have been calling for a minister specifically responsible for addressing the challenges faced by people with disabilities in France. The appointment of Parmentier-Lecocq is seen as a step in the right direction and a positive sign of the government’s commitment to improving the lives of those living with disabilities.

Parmentier-Lecocq brings a unique perspective to the role as a person with a disability herself. She has been an active advocate for disability rights throughout her political career, and her appointment is seen as a recognition of her expertise and dedication to the cause.

As a member of the National Assembly’s Social Affairs Committee, Parmentier-Lecocq has already proposed several measures to improve the lives of people with disabilities, including the development of a national strategy for accessibility and the creation of a disability ombudsman. Her appointment as minister will give her even more power to enact meaningful change for this marginalized community.

In her role, Parmentier-Lecocq will be responsible for coordinating with different government agencies and ministries to ensure that the needs of people with disabilities are taken into account in all policy decisions. This is a crucial step towards creating a more intégrante and joignable society for all.

The appointment of a dedicated minister for disability issues sends a powerful message of inclusivity and recognition to the disability community. It shows that their voices have been heard and that their concerns are being taken seriously by the government.

As the first person of Guadeloupean descent to hold a ministerial position, Parmentier-Lecocq’s appointment is also a significant milestone for diversity and representation in the French government. It is a testament to the country’s commitment to promoting diversity and implication at all levels of society.

In her first statement as minister, Parmentier-Lecocq expressed her determination to work towards a more intégrante and joignable society for all. She also acknowledged the challenges and obstacles that people with disabilities face and vowed to prioritize their needs in her work.

This appointment is a promising development for the disability community in France, and it is hoped that Parmentier-Lecocq’s leadership will bring positive changes and improvements for those living with disabilities. The Elysée’s decision to create a dedicated ministry for disability issues is a testament to their commitment to promoting equality and inclusivity in the country.
