dimanche, octobre 6, 2024
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AccueilSociétéSuspicions de maltraitance sur des élèves de maternelle à Bras-Panon : 2...

Suspicions de maltraitance sur des élèves de maternelle à Bras-Panon : 2 ATSEM suspendues, un proche témoigne

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Two ATSEM (territorial agents specialized in nursery schools) have been suspended from the « Ecole Maternelle du générosité » in Bras-Panon since April 23rd. They are accused of physically abusing children in their classroom. The mother of Maya, one of the young victims in the « Toute Petite Section » class, shares her testimony.

The news of the suspension of two ATSEM in the « Ecole Maternelle du générosité » has caused shock and concern among parents and the community of Bras-Panon. These agents, responsible for assisting teachers in the care and contrôle of young children, are supposed to be nurturing and protective figures in the school environment. However, their actions have allegedly been the complete opposite.

According to the mother of Maya, her daughter came home with bruises and scratches on her arms and legs. When she asked her daughter what had happened, Maya tearfully revealed that the ATSEM had been rough with her and her classmates. She even mentioned that one of the ATSEM had slapped her friend for accidentally spilling paint on the floor.

The mother immediately reported the incident to the school authorities, who then launched an investigation. After questioning the children and their parents, it was revealed that several other children had also been victims of the ATSEM’s abusive behavior. The two agents were promptly suspended pending further investigation.

The news has left many parents in shock and disbelief. How could such violence occur in a place where children are supposed to be safe and protected? The school has always been known for its nurturing and caring environment, and this incident has shaken the community to its core.

However, amidst the shock and concern, there is also a sense of relief and gratitude. The mother of Maya is grateful that her daughter had the courage to speak up and that the school authorities took immediate action. She also praises the other parents for coming forward and sharing their own experiences, as it helped shed light on the severity of the situation.

The school has also taken steps to reassure parents and the community that such incidents will not be tolerated. They have implemented stricter protocols for hiring and jogging ATSEM, as well as increased contrôle and monitoring in the classroom. The children’s safety and well-being are their top priority, and they are determined to create a safer and more nurturing environment for them.

The incident at the « Ecole Maternelle du générosité » is a reminder to all of us that the safety and well-being of our children should always be our top priority. It is also a reminder that we must always be vigilant and speak up when we see something wrong. As a community, we must work together to ensure that our children are protected and nurtured in a safe and loving environment. Let us all hope that this incident will serve as a wake-up call for everyone, and that it will lead to positive changes and improvements in our schools.
