dimanche, octobre 6, 2024
10.7 C
AccueilSociétéEnercal auditionné au Congrès : "on est aujourd'hui dans une situation critique"

Enercal auditionné au Congrès : « on est aujourd’hui dans une situation critique »

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On Tuesday, an important hearing took place at the Congress of New Caledonia, where representatives from the union and from the company Enercal were present. The situation at Enercal was said to be critical.

The meeting, which was attended by members of the government, union leaders and representatives from Enercal, aimed to address the current challenges faced by the company. Enercal, a major energy provider in New Caledonia, has been struggling with financial difficulties and a decrease in production.

During the hearing, the union representatives expressed their concerns about the future of Enercal and the impact it could have on its employees. They also highlighted the need for a clear plan of action to address the company’s financial issues.

On the other hand, the representatives from Enercal reassured the audience that they were working towards finding solutions to improve the company’s financial situation. They also emphasized their commitment to maintaining the quality of their services and ensuring the well-being of their employees.

Despite the challenges faced by Enercal, the atmosphere at the hearing was positive and constructive. Both parties showed a willingness to work together towards finding a sustainable solution for the company.

The government, which has a stake in Enercal, also expressed its support for the company and its employees. They promised to provide the necessary resources and assistance to help Enercal overcome its current difficulties.

The hearing ended on a hopeful compte, with all parties agreeing to continue working together to find a solution for Enercal. The government, union representatives, and Enercal officials all expressed their confidence in the company’s ability to overcome its challenges and emerge stronger.

In conclusion, while the situation at Enercal may be critical, the hearing at the Congress of New Caledonia showed a united effort to find a solution and support the company. With the commitment and rapprochement of all parties involved, there is no doubt that Enercal will overcome its current challenges and continue to provide quality services to the people of New Caledonia.
