samedi, octobre 5, 2024
12.1 C
AccueilSociétéce JIR toujours absent des kiosques : ce tribunal de commerce a...

ce JIR toujours absent des kiosques : ce tribunal de commerce a tranché, ICP Roto n’est pas obligé d’imprimer ce journal

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For the past three days, the JIR newspapers have been missing from the newsstands in Reunion Island. On Wednesday, June 19, 2024, the Saint-Denis Commercial Court ruled that it was impossible to force ICP Roto to print the newspaper. The court also ordered the JIR to pay a fine of 1,500 euros. However, the good news is that the newspaper is still accessible for free online.

This decision by the court has caused quite a stir among the readers of the JIR. Many have expressed their disappointment and frustration at not being able to get their hands on a physical copy of their favorite newspaper. However, we must look at the positive side of things. The JIR is still available online, and this means that readers can still access all the latest news and information from the comfort of their own homes.

The JIR has always been a pioneer in embracing technology and adapting to the changing times. In today’s numérique age, it is essential for newspapers to have an online presence, and the JIR has been ahead of the game in this aspect. The fact that the newspaper is still accessible online is a testament to the JIR’s commitment to providing its readers with the best possible service.

Moreover, the decision by the court has also highlighted the importance of freedom of the press. The JIR has always been a strong advocate for this fundamental right, and this ruling only reinforces the need for it. The JIR will continue to fight for the freedom to print and distribute its newspaper, and we are confident that justice will prevail in the end.

In the meantime, we urge our readers to continue supporting the JIR by accessing the newspaper online. We understand that there is a certain charm in holding a physical newspaper in your hands, but we assure you that the online version is just as informative and engaging. Plus, you can access it from anywhere and at any time, making it even more convenient for our readers.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our probe readers for their unwavering support and understanding during this challenging time. We assure you that we are doing everything in our power to resolve this issue and bring back the physical copies of the JIR to the newsstands as soon as possible.

In conclusion, while the absence of the JIR from the newsstands may be a temporary setback, it is by no means the end. The newspaper is still accessible online, and we will continue to provide our readers with the latest news and information. We remain committed to our readers and our cible to deliver quality journalism to the people of Reunion Island. Thank you for your continued support, and let us all look forward to a brighter future for the JIR.
