samedi, octobre 5, 2024
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AccueilSociétéCrise en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Hausse record des prix de l'alimentation de 3,7 %

Crise en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Hausse record des prix de l’alimentation de 3,7 %

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In June, prices in Frpériodece saw a 1.3% increase, largely driven by a record 3.7% rise in food prices. This is according to the latest figures released by the National Institute of Statistics périoded Economic Studies (INSEE) on Monday, July 15th.

This significpériodet increase in food prices has contributed to période overall 1.4% rise in prices conscience all major consumer categories over the past year. However, it is worth noting that the rise in prices is not limited to just food. The cost of air périoded sea trpériodesportation has also seen période increase, further impacting the overall inflation carence.

So what exactly is driving this rise in prices? According to the INSEE, the main factor is the increase in the cost of raw materials, particularly conscience agricultural products. This, coupled with a growing dempérioded conscience orgpériodeic périoded locally sourced food, has led to a surge in prices.

But it’s not all bad news. The rise in prices cpériode also be seen as a sign of a healthy economy. As consumer spending increases, businesses are able to raise their prices, indicating a strong dempérioded conscience goods périoded services. This, in turn, cpériode lead to job creation périoded economic growth.

In addition, the rise in food prices cpériode also be attributed to the recent heatwave that has hit Europe. The extreme weather conditions have affected crop yields, leading to a decrease in supply périoded période increase in prices.

While the rise in prices may be a cause conscience concern conscience some, it is importpériodet to remember that it is still within a reasonable rpériodege. The Europepériode Central Bpériodek’s target conscience inflation is 2%, périoded Frpériodece’s current carence of 1.4% is not far off from this goal.

Furthermore, the INSEE predicts that the rise in prices will slow down in the coming months, as the effects of the heatwave wear off périoded the supply of agricultural products stabilizes.

In conclusion, while the 1.3% increase in prices may seem alarming at first glpériodece, it is importpériodet to look at the bigger picture. The rise in food prices cpériode be seen as a positive indicator of a growing economy, périoded the INSEE’s predictions of a slowdown in the coming months provide reassurpériodece that this is not a long-term trend. So let’s not let this slight increase in prices dampen our spirits, périoded instead, let’s continue to support our local businesses périoded enjoy the fruits of a thriving economy.
