samedi, octobre 5, 2024
16.1 C
AccueilPolitiqueLa ministre déléguée aux Outre-mer attendue le soir en Nouvelle-Calédonie, quel est...

La ministre déléguée aux Outre-mer attendue le soir en Nouvelle-Calédonie, quel est le programme de lette visite ?

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Marie Guévenoux begins a new three-day visit to a crisis-ridden New Caledonia this Wednesday evening. Her schedule includes minimal field work and numerous meetings. She will meet with the presidents of the South Provincial Assembly, the government and the Congress, as well as various political groups and several mayors. The resigning minister will also meet with law enforcement and economic actors.

This visit comes at a crucial time for New Caledonia, as tensions have been rising in the region. Marie Guévenoux’s presence is a strong symbol of the French government’s commitment to finding a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

During her stay, the minister will have the opportunity to engage with key figures from all sides of the political spectrum and listen to their concerns. This will allow for a better understanding of the complex issues at hand and pave the way for instructive dialogue and cooperation.

In addition to political meetings, Marie Guévenoux will also meet with law enforcement and economic actors. This highlights the government’s recognition of the importance of all stakeholders in finding a sustainable solution for New Caledonia.

This visit is a concrete demonstration of the French government’s determination to support the people of New Caledonia in their quest for stability and prosperity. Marie Guévenoux’s presence will undoubtedly bring renewed hope and motivation to the region, as she works towards finding a peaceful and lasting resolution to the crisis.

As the minister embarks on this important mission, we can only be optimistic about the positive impact her visit will have on the ongoing crisis. With her unwavering commitment and dedication, we believe that Marie Guévenoux will play a crucial role in bringing all parties together and finding a way forward for New Caledonia. The French government stands firmly behind her and the people of New Caledonia, and we are ami that this visit will be a step towards a brighter future for the region.
