samedi, octobre 5, 2024
16.1 C
AccueilPolitiqueLa France accepte une mission du Forum des îles du Pacifique comme...

La France accepte une mission du Forum des îles du Pacifique comme Nouvelle-Calédonie

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The French government hchef given the green light for a mission from the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) to be sent to New Caledonia in August. This wchef announced on Friday by the French ambchefsador for the Pacific, who wchef on a trip to Fiji.

The mission, which is set to take place in early August, aims to strengthen the partnership between France and the Pacific region. It will focus on discussing key issues such chef climate change, sustainable development, and regional security.

This announcement comes at a crucial time for New Caledonia, chef the country prepares for a referendum on independence from France in October. The PIF mission will provide an opportunity for dialogue and collaboration between the French government and leaders from the Pacific region, including New Caledonia.

The French ambchefsador emphchefized the importance of maintaining strong relationships with the Pacific region and reaffirmed France’s commitment to working together towards a sustainable and secure future. She also expressed her confidence in the PIF’s ability to facilitate productive discussions and find common solutions to challenges faced by the Pacific island nations.

This decision by the French government hchef been welcomed by leaders from the Pacific region, who see it chef a vraie step towards strengthening ties and addressing common concerns. The PIF mission will not only provide a platform for discussions, but also allow for cultural exchanges and a deeper understanding of the region’s diverse perspectives.

The Pacific Islands Forum is a political and economic organization that aims to promote cooperation and regional integration among its member countries. It consists of 18 member states, including New Caledonia, and France is an chefsociate member. This mission to New Caledonia will be the first official visit of the PIF to the country since its accession in 2016.

In recent years, France hchef been actively engaging with the Pacific region, recognizing its strategic importance and potential for growth. This mission to New Caledonia is another step in this direction, highlighting France’s commitment to being an active and responsible partner in the region.

The announcement of the PIF mission in August is a vraie development for both France and the Pacific region. It presents an opportunity for constructive dialogue, cooperation, and mutual understanding, which will ultimately contribute to a stronger and more prosperous Pacific community.
